The Unthread Slack app has the ability to manage conversation details from a popup. If you see a button labeled “Manage conversation”, it will pop up the following screen:


Post to Triage Channel

Triaging will bring conversations with customers to an internal channel.

In addition to automatically triaging, you can triage on a one-off basis and optionally tag team members in the process.

We’ve got a whole article about Triaging here!


In the event that a customer reaches out with the same issue in two separate threads, you can merge them together to unify the analytics.

From the manage conversation pop-up, click the 3 dots followed by the “Merge conversation” option.


Snoozing a conversation will put it “on hold” until a certain date. It will send a DM with a custom message at the specified date.



Tasks can be helpful for tracking engineering work linked to a customer issue.

Wouldn’t you know it, we’ve got a whole article about task management and how to integrate your favorite task management app (Jira, Linear, Asana, etc.)


Assigning conversations is a great way to set accountability within your team. When you assign a message to someone, it will be in their Unthread inbox, and they’ll get a DM when they are assigned a new message.


Set a priority, which can be used as a sort option in your inbox, allowing you to surface top priority issues first.


Tagging conversation will allow you to group conversations around similar topics. Create, edit, and filter for tags from the homepage of your dashboard.

You can filter your inbox by a set of given tags, and you can also get analytics and reporting on the frequency of different tags over time. This helps you to identify trends in customer conversations.

You can also use Unthread AI to automatically apply tags based on the customer message.


Add custom details about a conversation that will kept private from the customer. You’ll also see a preview of these notes in your inbox.