Connect your documentation to provide better answers for AI-generated responses or for suggesting responses to your support reps. Let’s walk through how to set it up!

Knowledge base list

Connecting to Your Existing Documentation

Unthread can sync documentation from any web-based documentation system automatically by crawling pages and adding them to your knowledge base.

To do this, head over to “Settings” > “Knowledge Base” from your Unthread dashboard.

Adding Public Documentation Sites

Knowledge base list

To sync in a public-facing website of documentation, you can enter the base URL of the page, and Unthread AI will automatically crawl and ingest all of the subpages within it.

Advanced options include the ability to add certain root URLs to an allowlist or blocklist.

Adding Internal Documentation

For internal wikis, you’ll want to use our native integrations with your platform of choice to provide us access to the correct pages to sync. In each case, you can choose the root folder or URL and have Unthread AI scrape all subpages.

Supported native integrations:

  • Google Drive
  • Notion
  • Confluence

Coming soon:

  • Guru
  • GitHub Private Repos

Adding One-off Articles

If you’d like to add individual articles or Q&As to your knowledge base, click to the “Text” option when adding to your knowledge base. From here, you can write a custom title and content, while optionally also including a relevant link if a customer asks this question.

Keeping Things Up to Date

After uploading, you will see a list of documentation sets and the date that the documentation was last synced. Documentation will be refreshed by our crawler on a weekly basis to keep it up to date. If you make a change and need it to go live immediately, you can also click the “Re-run sync” to immediately refresh the list.

Testing Responses

After you’ve connected your documentation, you can see how the AI will generate responses for you. From the Knowledge Base tab, click the “Test AI-generated response” button. It will present you with a text box to enter a prompt, and hitting submit will generate a response as well as surface the articles used to generate the answer.

Example of testing AI responses

Enabling AI responses

AI responses can be enabled across Slack, email, in-app chat, and Microsoft Teams. We have an article specifically on how to leverage the Auto-Responder for this: