
With Unthread AI, you can use your existing knowledge base to train an AI model to provide helpful responses and relevant documentation to customers.

AI works with Slack, email, and in-app chat support so you can automate your responses to customers across any channel.

Training AI on Your Knowledge Base

Once you’ve enabled this feature, you’ll see a tab under “Settings” > “Knowledge Base” where you can connect your documentation. We have an article about how to set up various source of knowledge

Testing Responses

You can also click “Test AI-Generated Responses” and enter in some sample text to get a preview of what the AI will generate.

AI-Generated Responses

You can have the AI automatically respond to a customer question with a human-friendly response via the Auto-responder.

As a reminder, the Auto-responder is a helpful tool to automatically reply in a thread or a new email with a custom message, which can be dynamically set based on your hours of operation.

AI-Generated Responses in the Channel

Connecting your helpdesk

Auto-closing Conversations

After the AI sends a response in the channel, the customer will be presented with a thumbs up or thumbs down to provide feedback on the answer. A thumbs up will auto-close the conversation, marking it as resolved.

Enabling Auto-responder Replies

From the Slack settings or your Email inbox settings, you can enable the AI-generated responses in the “auto-responder” section.

Auto-responder settings

Suggesting Responses to Support Reps

In the case that you don’t want your customers to be interacting directly with the AI, you can instead suggest responses to support reps privately.

This is a great way to preview what the AI-generated response would be and make edits before sending.

Suggesting a Response in Slack

To generate a suggested response from inside of Slack, you can do one of the following:

  • Apply the ”🤔” reaction to the message you’d like a response to
  • Use a “message shortcut” called “Suggest AI Response”

In either case, you will get a private message inline with a human-friendly response as well as links to any relevant documentation

Connecting your helpdesk

Suggesting a Response in Your Web Inbox

From the web dashboard, when managing a conversation, you can suggest a respnose by navigating to the conversation details page, and clicking ”✨ Suggest response”.

If you don’t see a “Suggest response” button, you likely need to go to your “Settings” > “AI” page and enable AI responses from there


Viewing analytics on responses

To view feedback from end users on the quality of your AI-generated responses, head over to “Analytics” > “AI” from your Unthread dashboard.

From there, you’ll see the thumbs up or thumbs down reactions by end users, as well as examples where the AI wasn’t able to find any documentation.

Coming soon: we’ll also suggest improvements to your docs based on the conversation history that takes place!