Unthread’s integration with Salesforce creates a two-way connection between the two systems so your CRM is always up-to-date with customer conversations. Setting up the integration currently only requires taking action within the Unthread UI.

How it works

The Salesforce integration currently has two main functions: syncing Account configuration to Unthread Customers and pushing tracked Slack conversations into Salesforce in the Account activity feed.

Account syncing

Once installation is complete, Accounts from Salesforce will begin syncing to Unthread. The Account name and support rep will be used for the Unthread customer name and primary support rep. The primary support rep will also be able to act as a Customer admin.

Conversation tracking

New Slack conversations tracked by Unthread will be pushed to the linked Salesforce Account as a logged “call” visible from the Account page. Once the conversation is closed out, a summary of the conversation will be posted back to Salesforce.


  1. Visit the “Settings” -> “Apps & Integrations” page in your Unthread dashboard.
  2. Scroll to the bottom and click “Get access” under the Salesforce section.
  3. This will trigger a popup asking for some configuration:
  • Slack Channel ID Field - If you have a custom field for Slack Channel ID configured on the Account level in Salesforce, enter the name of the custom field here. This will be something like Slack_Channel_id__c. If this field is set, Salesforce accounts will be automatically matched to Unthread Customers based on matching Slack channel IDs.
  • Use Account Teams? - If this is enabled, the primary support rep for each Unthread Customer will be set based on the Account Team configured in Salesforce. If it is not set, the Account Owner will be used instead.
  • Primary Support Rep Team Role - If using Account Teams, this field will determine which Account Team role should be used to determine who will be considered the primary support rep for the Unthread Customer.
  1. You will see a popup asking you if you would like to authorize Unthread to access the Salesforce API. Confirm this.

Current Limitations:

  • Changes to Salesforce Accounts can take up to an hour to reflect within Unthread.