This is the first step on your Unthread journey. Be sure you complete this step before trying anything else.

🚀 Installing the Unthread Slack app

Unthread is a Slack app that helps you track conversations in customer-facing channels. You can install the Slack app right from your Unthread web dashboard.

Your Unthread web dashboard can be found by going to [yourcompany]

This will bring you to a confirmation screen in Slack that asks you to allow Unthread to access your Slack account.

Click “Allow” and you’re done! You’ll see the app is now live in your Slack account.

➡️ Next step: add Unthread to your first customer channel to start tracking conversations.

🔓 Let’s talk about pri-va-cy, let’s talk about you and me 🎶

Privacy, transparency, and trust are key values here at Unthread. We are fully SOC2 Type II compliant, and we only request permissions that we absolutely need to provide the best service to you. We also only use these permissions in obvious ways that you approve. Here are some permissions and how we use them:

The Perform actions as you permission

What we do: manage channels and channel members so we can add new customers.

What we don’t do: we don’t post things pretending to be you unless you use our web inbox to reply to messages.

The Content and info about channels & conversations permission

What we do: we listen for messages in channels that you’re tracking so we can create new tickets, create assignments,

What we don’t do: we don’t listen to messages in any other channels (in fact, this permission ensures that we couldn’t even if we tried!)

Security Documentation

More information can be found on our website.

🤔 Any other questions? Reach us on Slack or at [email protected], and let’s talk through them.