👋 Welcome to the Unthread Helpdesk! Search or browse below for common questions.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, shoot us a note at [email protected] or send us a message in your dedicated Slack channel.

🛠 Setting up your account

Follow these steps (in order), and your account will be ready to go, lickety-split!

💬 Conversationsal Ticketing

Learn how Slack conversations are automatically tracked, prioritized, and assigned.

📥 Managing Your Inbox

Organize and close out your customer conversations.

✨ Unthread AI

Automate your support while maintaining a human touch.

📣 Customer Engagement

Reach out to customers at the right time with the right information.

✉️ Email Support

Manage incoming support emails right from Slack or our web app.

Email to Slack connector

💬 In-app Chat

Embed a live chat widget into your website, connected to Slack.

⚡️ Integrations

Connect to your existing apps. Sync conversations to CRMs, create tasks linked to converstions, and more.

💻 API Documentation

Build on top of our system for advanced workflows and automation.